Food Wine Marketing

When I moved to New Orleans from Yankee-land many years ago, someone explained the difference between New York City and New Orleans to me like this…

If you were in New York and had to use the restroom, you would probably wet your pants because nobody would stop long enough to tell you where to find a restroom.

In New Orleans, anyone you asked would be only too happy to tell you where to find a restroom…but they would talk to you so long, you’d wet your pants anyway.

It’s true – people in New Orleans DO love to tell their stories

It’s also true that people everywhere love to read stories.  And, if you’re anything like me, you’ve got lots of stories to tell…

Hi, I’m Janis Vazquez.  Lots of my stories involve New Orleans (Look! There’s a monkey on the levee!), the restaurant business (OMG – Is that Sean Penn at Table 20?), or animals (Call 911 – A monkey has Sean Penn trapped in the restroom!).

A really good way to draw your reader into the message is to begin with a story, and the logical outcome of the story is always…buy this stuff – order NOW!

What could I sell you with a lead like that?  How about adult diapers, a construction company that specializes in restrooms, a wrist watch with an alarm clock, a hand-held tape recorder so you listen to all those interesting stories again, or the latest copy-writing course.

You’ll feel great when you client tells you, “Wow, your words rule – they’re buying my products like crazy!”

Begin with things you know and believe in – your experiences, the product you’re promoting, and your ability to tie the two things together – and you’ll end up with an unbeatable way to get your reader to click the button…and order NOW.

What Others Say

“Just got home from a crazy night of 1040 EZ.  WOW!  Not sure if I can make it through two more days...” from Glen H of Vega Tapas Café regarding 1040 EZ promo

“I just got 2 emails…Both loved the email blasts...You do good work”…Elaine C of the Curtain Exchange of New Orleans

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